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Peterborough Matters March 14th at 6pm!
March 14th 2025: Host Jay Amer asked Mayor Leal about using his Strong Mayor powers at the request of Brock Mission to help expedite their 52-unit transitional housing project at 738 Chemong Road.
Queen's Park Report March 14th 2025
Talking Tariffs!
MPP-Elect Dave Smith visited the yourTV Studios before his swearing in next week to provide some clarity on the confusing messaging coming out of the White House.
Peterborough Matters February 28th
Introducing the City's new Director of Economic Development, Darryl Julott.
Vernon Watt Hall "Herb"
Vernon Watt Hall "Herb" JA BHOF Historic Minute - Year 5
Bradburn & Wand
Thomas Bradburn & Edmund Wand JA BHOF Historic Minute - Year 4
Winslow Gerolamy
Winslow Gerolamy JA BHOF Induction Video
Cora Whittington
Cora Whittington JA BHOF Induction Video
Nicole Truman
Nicole Truman JA BHOF Induction Video
Jeannine Taylor
Jeannine Taylor JA BHOF Induction Video
The Staples
Robert & Jill Staples JA BHOF Induction Video