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Chatham-Kent Council, May 29, 2023
Regular Agenda Meeting Visit for full agenda
Chatham-Kent Council, May 15, 2023
Planning Agenda Meeting
Visit for full agenda
Chatham-Kent Council, May 8, 2023
Regular Agenda Meeting Visit for full agenda
St Clair Catholic Chess Tournament
Students tested their skills of problem solving, abstract reasoning, pattern recognition and strategic thinking as they competed against each other in chess tournaments, . “In every chess game, players are faced with challenges and problems that they have to solve,” says Chris Vaillant, a French as a Second Language teacher with St. Clair Catholic and convenor of the tournaments. “Chess is a tremendous learning tool, which helps students to develop many skills, most especially how to focus on a task before them.” In the Sarnia tournament, approximately 250 students from 12 schools across Sarnia-Lambton will compete in the 34 th annual tournament. Because of the success of the annual event, this year it will be expanded to include a tournament in Chatham, where about 90 students are expected to participate.
Chatham-Kent Council, April 24, 2023 pt 2
Continuation of April 24th meeting.
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Which can be replayed on our Facebook stream at
Chatham-Kent Council, April 24, 2023 pt 1
Regular Agenda Meeting Visit for full agenda
Chatham-Kent Council, March 27, 2023
Regular Agenda Meeting
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Chatham-Kent Council, March 20, 2023
Planning Agenda Meeting
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CK Arts and Culture Network.
The CK Arts and Culture Network (CKACN) is the culmination of various arts and culture initiatives across the municipality dating back to 2007 when the municipality approved a “Cultural Master Plan: Culture, Economy, Community: A Cultural Plan for Chatham-Kent”. Dan White, Chair of the network speaks about the importance of this network and his thoughts on the upcoming DCC project and how it will effect the Kiwanis Theatre
St Clair College Powerline Rodeo
Students of the powerline program at St. Clair College finally got to take part in their fun powerline rodeo relay. The powerline rodeo that featured 135 participants took place at the college’s training facility on Bear Line Road. There were various events, including pole top rescue, ring the bell, climbing relay, don’t break the egg and installing grounds. Mark Benoit, the college’s chair of academic studies, said the rodeo was last held in 2019. He added that 19 employers were in attendance to provide information and answer any questions. “We’re very pleased to see the parents and all of the industry,” Benoit said. He noted this year marks a decade since the first class graduated from the powerline program. The first rodeo was hosted the following year in 2014. In addition to the numerous job opportunities presented, Benoit said the event is also a fun time for everyone involved.
Local farmers give back on Canada's Agriculture Day
The Kent Federation of Agriculture always values hard work and the fresh fruits and vegetables it provides to all over. On Canada's Agriculture Day they give back to our local food banks to help those less fortunate and partner up with the Salvation Army and Chatham Outreach for Hunger. We chatted with a few members of the KFA, Steven Holland from the Salvation Army and Brenda LeClair from Outreach about this initiative to help those in need.