Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - All British Car & Bike Show on Sunday, July 14

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563109200 1563127200

Please join the Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village for our All British Car & Bike Show on Sunday, July 14 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The Boarding House will be open throughout the day serving meals and refreshments. The 50's Diner will be open in the main building from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Registration for Show Cars opens at 8:00 am. $10/show car. Gates open for British Vendors at 7:00 am, vending is free. General Admission is $5/adult with children 12 and under free. For more information please call 519-776-6909 or email

Canadian Transportation Museum & Heritage Village
6155 Arner Townline
N9Y 2E5
Kingsville, Ontario

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Joe Hogan Memorial Golf Fun Day!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1568296800 1568336400

This is the 22nd Annual Joe Hogan Memorial Golf Fun Day!

Thursday September 12 at 3 courses. Roseland Golf, Sutton Creek, and Ambassador Golf Club.

Contact Doug or Dan Hogan 519-948-0801, email or visit for more details.

Shotgun start @ 10am!!

Proceeds support the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation.

Roseland Golf Club, Sutton Creek, Ambassador Golf Club
455 Kennedy Dr. W., and 2135 County Rd. 12, Essex, and 1025 Sprucewood Ave,

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Goblets & Golf Balls Memorial Tournament

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565445600 1565481600

This is the first year of the Goblets & Golf Balls Memorial Tournament In Memory of Rob & Tricia Morneau.

Saturday, August 10 at Fox Glen Golf Course and Wine Tour with dinner and auction. 

Contact Sandra Thompson 519-987-3509 for more details.

Fox Glen Golf Course
7525 Howard Ave.

Community Event - North Bay - Connections 8th Annual Charity Golf Tournament

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565452800 1565481600

Join Connections Early Years Family Centre for its 8th annual Golf Tournament.

Enjoy 18 holes of golf including cart, locker room service and access to the driving range as well as a hot dog & beer lunch and a barbecue steak dinner. There will be raffles, door prizes and more!

This year's proceeds will go towards our Building UP! campaign with the goal of making our Centre fully accessible over 5 years. Your contribution will help us reach more families in the community. Thank you for helping us support families with young children in Windsor-Essex!

The format of the tournament is four-person best ball.

Free access to the driving range is available at 11:30 a.m. for non-members.

and lunch will begin at 12:00 p.m. (noon).

Shot-gun start around 1:30 p.m.

Dinner will begin around 6:00 p.m.

Registration is $125/player. Dinner-only tickets are $45 each. Cash bar. Group discounts available. Please call the Centre at 519.252.9696 to inquire.

LEAD SPONSOR: Krista Loughead, Naturopathic Doctor 

HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR: Motor City Chrysler You could win $10,000 towards the purchase or lease of a vehicle from Motor City Chrysler!

HOLE-IN-TWO SPONSOR: Hebert Financial Group - Win a $1,000 cash prize for a hole-in-two on a par 4!

PAR SPONSOR: Roy Heating & Cooling | Plus amazing prizes like Apple Air Pods (donated by Integrity Tool & Mold), a 24-bottle wine prize pack, hotel stays, gift cards to restaurants, the LCBO, yoga classes and more!

Sutton Creek Golf & Country Club
2135 County Road 12
N8M 2X6
Essex, ON

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Hospice Conference 2019

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1568811600 1568838600

The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County Inc. presents the 6th Annual Conference: Acting from Compassion and Awareness. Please join us on Wednesday, September 18 at the Serbian Centre for a full day of guest speakers. 

This year, we are excited to have Dr. Sandy Buchman, Donna Thomson, Russell Hilliard, and Jeremie Saunders attend and speak at our Conference.

To register, please visit: 

If you have any questions related to the Conference, please email 

Serbian Centre
6770 Tecumseh Rd E
N8T 1E6

Community Event - Kingston - Parkinson Canada SuperWalk

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567864800 1567875600

This September, walk with us at Parkinson Canada SuperWalk - Canada’s only nationwide fundraiser to support Canadian’s with Parkinson’s.

With the same strength of spirit people living with Parkinson’s demonstrate daily, we will not stop walking until there is a cure. No Matter What. To register yourself or a team, or to volunteer, visit online at or call 1-800-565-3000.

Lake Ontario Park
920 King St W
K7M 8H3

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Parkinson Canada SuperWalk

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567861200 1567872000

This September, walk with us at Parkinson Canada SuperWalk - Canada’s only nationwide fundraiser to support Canadian’s with Parkinson’s.

With the same strength of spirit people living with Parkinson’s demonstrate daily, we will not stop walking until there is a cure. No Matter What. To register yourself or a team, or to volunteer, visit online at or call 1-800-565-3000.

Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School
1009 Armour Rd
K9H 7H2

Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Un beau bonjour au quotidien

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1567137600 1567223940

Vous sentez-vous seul? Désirez-vous recevoir un appel chaleureux tous les matins de la semaine? Un bénévole de confiance du Centre d’action bénévole de Valleyfield peut vous téléphoner pour échanger sur divers sujets au cours de l’avant-midi. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le Centre  au 450 373-2111.

Centre d'action bénévole de Valleyfield
95, rue Salaberry
J6T 2H5