Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Battle of Britain Ceremony

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660017600 1660103940

434 (Niagara Peninsula) Wing Royal Canadian Air Force Association

Presents The Battle of Britain Ceremony, Sunday, September 18th 2022 @1.00 pm. Chippawa Park Cenotaph, Welland.

ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND. Weather permitting there will be a flyover. For information please contact,

R. Lee at

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - The Lunch Bunch by Seniors at Home

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662570000 1662577200

A full course lunch on Wednesday, September 7th from 1pm-3pm at Jim's Restaurant. Choice of Sandwiches Chicken Salad or Grilled Cheese. Entertainment by Jane Anne Lafont. Tickets $11 available at agency office until Friday September 2nd. All seniors over 55 and adults with disabilities welcome.

Jim's Restaurant
54 Elgin St W

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Food Drive for DTM & WYC

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660944600 1660953600
1661002200 1661009400

Glenwood United Church 1825 Grand Marais W will be hosting a food drive for the Mission and Youth Centre.

Individual snacks is our main focus, WATER, peanut butter, CEREAL, Canned Protein.


No clothing.

Glenwood United Church
1825 Grand Marais W.
N9E 4W4

Community Event - Quinte - Pickleball starting up!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660687200 1660694400
1660755600 1660762800
1660860000 1660867200

Registration is now open for the August 2022 session of Pickleball at the Quinte Curling Centre.  The focus is on  beginner/intermediate doubles play.

Pickleball sessions will be offered as follows and run for 5 weeks @ $50.00 (+HST) per session, beginning Tuesday, August 17:

Tuesday 6:00-8:00

Wednesday 1:00-3:00

Thursday 6:00-8:00

Note: Registrants may sign up for 1 day a week or multiple days a week with a dedicated partner or as a single and partner up each night.

As required with QCC curlers and based on club policy, proof of double vaccination must be provided  in order to play.


Quinte Curling Club
246 Bridge Street W
K8P 5L6

Community Event - Sarnia - 19th Annual Kiwanis Back to School BBQ

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662217200 1662231600
1662307200 1662318000

Community Event for publication please -

What:  19th Annual Kiwanis/Staples Back to School BBQ

When: Saturday, Sept. 3

              Sunday, Sept. 4

Time:  11am - 3pm Saturday

              12 – 3pm Sunday

Where: In front of Staples on London Rd., Sarnia

COVID-19 Precautions in place.

All proceeds go to school supplies for children in Sarnia-Lambton

Cash, Debit or Credit payments available.

More information can be obtained from Sheila Donald -


Yours in Kiwanis Service,

Sheila Donald

Coordinator for “Staples for Education in Partnership with Kiwanis” Project

Sarnia-Lambton Golden K Kiwanis Club

"Serving the Children"

Staples Sarnia site
1379 London Rd. Unit 2
N7S 1P6

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Cornwall Legion Branch 297 Seniors over 60 club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1659931200 1660017540

“The Cornwall Legion Branch 297 Seniors over 60 club’s monthly luncheon, meeting and bingo will be held on Thursday September 8th, 2022, starting at noon. Your old membership cards will be needed to renew this year’s membership of $5.00. NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME.”

Community Event - Kingston - Limestone City Car Classic

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662206400 1662235200

Car Show at Lake Ontario Park Kingston Ont

Saturday September 3, 2022

8am to 4pm  rain or shine

$10 Registration fee for car show participants

Trophies awarded in 25 different classes

Free admission to the public

Live music by Hickory Switch from Noon to 2pm

Food, raffles, 50/50 draw and cars from all eras

Entire days proceeds to benefit Kingston General Hospital Cancer Clinic





Lake Ontario Park
920 King Street
Kingston Otnario