Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - FREE 4-Week Training: Communication Counts

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1552914000 1552923000

FREE 4-Week Training: Communication Counts

Starts March 18, 2019; Monday to Thursday 9-11:30 a.m.

Register Today: 613-932-7161

Need help being more assertive?  Trouble handling anger and feedback?  Communication is an essential part of life.  People have different ideas and beliefs and at times it is difficult to come to agreement.  This training will help adults improve their communication skills in a safe learning environment.

This training will examine the following topics:

  • Identifying your Communication Style
  • Body Language
  • Handling Feedback
  • Assertiveness
  • Handling Anger
  • Rights at Work
  • Working through Conflict

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Kick Off Your New Year’s Eve With a Splash!

Submitted by cdanby on
1545109200 1545195540

The ball doesn’t drop until midnight, but the festivities start bright and early at Adventure Bay Family Water Park Presented by WFCU Credit Union. Before you move on to your countdown viewing party, drop by for some rides, slides and more!

On December 31, celebrate New Year’s Eve with family-friendly festivities and lots of tropical winter-beating fun sponsored by AM800 CKLW from 10am to 4pm, and enjoy it all with a friend thanks to our special one-day two-for-one admission deal (visitors can pay one regular admission to receive a second admission of equal or lesser value free). 

Pencil Adventure Bay into your family’s daytime social calendar for New Year’s Eve and visit us for a unique holiday experience.

To learn more about Adventure Bay Family Water Park, visit

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - 2019 International Patient Safety Symposium

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1549630800 1549661400

The International Patient Safety Symposium is a cross-border event that brings together industry experts from the Windsor Detroit region. Here, health care professionals will share best practices, foster relationships and create a collaborative approach for building international patient safety; knowledge and resources.

Keynote address by Ken Daniels of the Jamie Daniels Foundation, as he shares his family’s story One Life Lost to Addiction is One Life Too Many, Together We Can Share Light on Addiction Care. How can individuals and families who are struggling with addiction receive the education, resources, professional guidance and financial support they need to make recovery possible.

Please join us February 8th at the St. Clair Centre for the Arts in Windsor, Ontario. 

Bridging International Healthcare; by Detroit Medical Center, Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College and Douglas Marketing Group.

St. Clair College Centre for the Arts
201 Riverside Drive West
N9A 5K4

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Sportmen's Club New Years Eve Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1546299000 1546369200

New Years Eve Prime Rib or Cornish Hen dinner. $70 per couple or $40 per person or $25 for DJ and midnight snake bar. Doors open at 6:30 pm with dinner at 7:30 pm. DJ and snake tickets at 9:30 pm. Tickets at bar.

Windsor Sportsmen's Club
2401 Dougall Ave
N8X 1N3winds

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Skating Season Returns at Charles Clark Square

Submitted by cdanby on
1545109200 1545195540

The City of Windsor’s Recreation staff are happy to announce that preparations are complete and free public skating at Charles Clark Square will open for the season.

Supervised Hours of Operation (weather permitting):               

·         Monday to Friday, 3:30pm – 10:30pm

·         Saturday and Sunday, 8:30am to 10:30pm

·         Family Day (February 18th), 8:30am to 10:30pm


Holidays Hours (weather permitting):

·         December 22nd to January 6th, 8:30am to 10:30pm daily, except the rink is closed at 3:00pm December 24th and 31st and closed all day on December 25th and January 1st.

Skate Lending:  

All Saints Church will be offering free skate lending again. Skaters are welcome to visit the church on Saturdays between 10am and 12 noon to borrow a pair.

To learn more about public skating, call 311 or visit

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - University and Victoria Corridors Survey

Submitted by cdanby on
1545109200 1545195540

The City of Windsor is providing another opportunity for community input on the University Avenue and Victoria Avenue corridors. A public survey has been launched to gather ideas on the existing roadway elements and opportunities for future improvements.

The short survey focuses specifically on the areas of University Avenue, between Huron Church Road and McDougall Street, and Victoria Avenue, from Chatham Street West to Park Street West.

Cycling infrastructure, on-street parking and streetscaping are all under consideration for what amounts to three and a half kilometres of corridors under study. The Transportation Planning Department together with the project consultant are gathering this feedback to help optimize the existing right-of-way and achieve safe, efficient, comfortable and convenient travel for roadway users of all ages, abilities and modes of transportation for the next 20 years.

The University Avenue and Victoria Avenue Survey will be open until January 6, 2019 and will be added to feedback from other resident and stakeholder consultations.

For more information on municipal initiatives visit WindsorEA’ or call 311.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Korda Artistic Productions Reefer Madness Audition

Submitted by cdanby on
1545109200 1545195540

The Extension-Korda Youth Players arm of Korda Artistic Productions are gearing up to host auditions for the 2019 production of REEFER MADNESS.

Auditions take place Wednesday, January 9 and Thursday, January 10, 2019 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM, with Callbacks on January 13, 2019 beginning at Noon. Auditions will be held at The KordaZone Theatre, 2520 Seminole Street in Windsor, ON. Those interested in auditioning are asked to book their audition slot in advance by emailing, and are required to include a head shot, resume, and a desired audition appointment time.

All those auditioning are asked to prepare a one-minute comedic monologue, 16 bars of a rock song, and 16 bars of a comedic musical theatre song. Due to mature content, actors must be 18 years or older to audition. Available Roles include:

Performances will take place June 27, 28, 29 and July 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 & 13, 2019 at The KordaZone Theatre, with Thursday/Friday/Saturday performances at 8:00PM and Sunday Matinees at 2:00PM.

Rehearsals will run from mid-January through June 2019, at a location TBD.

Événement communautaire - Mauricie - Artisans du Centre Mauricie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1547046000 1547067600

À cette occasion, l’invitée Mme Manon Laplante montrera comment réaliser 2 peintures sur toile : chat pleine lune et un cardinal sous la neige et 2 portes clés en perles de couleurs. Le coût de participation à l’atelier est de 7$. De plus pour apprendre les techniques le matériel vous sera vendu 8$. Coût total : 15$

Chaque participante devra apporter : nappe de plastique, napperon blanc ou uni, extension, fusil à coller, bâtons de colle, ciseaux, règle, pinceaux différentes grosseurs avec manche de plastic de couleur, stylet, crayon de plomb, stylo, efface, sharpie pointe fine 1 rouge et un noir, sharpie un peu plus gros noir, guenille ou essuie tout, papier pour prendre des notes, carton pour tracer des patrons.

2 toiles plates ou épaisse grandeur  5 pouces par 7 pouces.

Outils à bijoux ou pinces ordinaires soit : pince à bec long et pince coupante.

Apportez votre lunch pour dîner, le café sera servi toute la journée. Le nombre de places étant limité à 15, réservez tôt auprès de Claire Plante Verville au 819 538-6909.

Centre Communautaire École St-Jean Bosco
1580- 10 e avenue
G9T 1V4
Shawinigan (Secteur Grand-Mère)