Community Messages

Saturday, February 15
07:00 PM

Royal Canadian Legion 
Pembroke Branch 72

07:00 PM — 11:00 PM

Bands for February
                                 Saturday February 1, John Priebe Band 🕒 7-11pm

                                 Saturday February 8, Stereo Typical   🕒   7-11pm

                                 Saturday Feburary 15, Lock, Stock and Barrel 🕒  7-11pm

                                 Saturday February 22, Pitch Black 🕒  7-11pm 

Every one welcome!!

Saturday February 15, ❤ Valentines Dance musical entertainment by Lock, Stock and Barrel. 🕒 7-11pm. There will be prizes. Every one welcome!

Location/Venue Name
Royal Canadian Legion 
Pembroke Branch 72

  • 202 Pembroke St E, Pembroke, ON K8A 3J7, 202 Pembroke St E, Pembroke, ON K8A 3J7, 202 Pembroke St E, Pembroke, ON K8A 3J7
07:00 PM

Kitchissippi Jazz Kats concert at Wesley United Church Pembroke

07:00 PM — 09:30 PM

A musical journey through 50 years of love in pop music by popular local jazz band, the Kitchissippi Jazz Kats. A fundraiser for the Wesley United Church soup kitchen. Saturday Feb 15 at 7PM

Location/Venue Name
Wesley United Church

  • 275 Pembroke Street East, , Pembroke, K8A 3J9
Monday, February 17
11:30 AM

Wesley United Church luncheon & card party

11:30 AM — 03:00 PM

Lunch served at 11:30 AM with cards games afterwards. Door prizes and silent auction also part of the entertainment. Funds will support the work of the church

Location/Venue Name
Wesley United Church

  • 275 Pembroke St East, Pembroke, k*A 3J9
Saturday, February 22
07:00 PM

Royal Canadian Legion 
Pembroke Branch 72

07:00 PM — 11:00 PM

Bands for February
                                 Saturday February 1, John Priebe Band 🕒 7-11pm

                                 Saturday February 8, Stereo Typical   🕒   7-11pm

                                 Saturday Feburary 15, Lock, Stock and Barrel 🕒  7-11pm

                                 Saturday February 22, Pitch Black 🕒  7-11pm 

Every one welcome!!

Saturday February 15, ❤ Valentines Dance musical entertainment by Lock, Stock and Barrel. 🕒 7-11pm. There will be prizes. Every one welcome!

Location/Venue Name
Royal Canadian Legion 
Pembroke Branch 72

  • 202 Pembroke St E, Pembroke, ON K8A 3J7, 202 Pembroke St E, Pembroke, ON K8A 3J7, 202 Pembroke St E, Pembroke, ON K8A 3J7
Wednesday, March 5
12:00 PM

The Lunch Bunch by Seniors at Home

12:00 PM — 02:00 PM

A full course luncheon event at the Arnprior Legion Hall on Wednesday, March 5th from 12-2pm. Choice of sandwiches chicken salad or salmon. The Dregischans will be entertaining. Tickets$12 available from agency office till noon on Feb 28th. All seniors or adults with disabilities welcome. 

Location/Venue Name
The Arnprior Legion Hall

  • 49 Daniel St N, Arnprior, K7S 2K6