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St. Luke's Socializing Seniors Food Delivery Service
St. Luke's Anglican Church and Community Centre has started a Socializing Seniors Food Delivery Service that will bring packages of fresh groceries to seniors' homes in Oakville. The program runs every Thursday until the end of March 2021. For more information go to
Burlington plans for more Greenspaces
Councillor Paul Sharman explains the hurdles to creating more parks in Burlington and how council is trying to overcome them.
CLB News Team
Community Living Burlington has been creating a web newscast helping to create a larger audience for their voices and stories.
Burlington's Kendall Cooper receives Key to the City
Kendall Cooper was the first woman, athlete and young person to be recognized with a Burlington Key to the City.
Stay off the Ice warns Halton Police
With winter loving Canadians unable to head into their local arenas to skate and play hockey, the Halton Regional Police Marine unit reminds the community that venturing out on natural outdoor ice is not a good idea.
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Field Hospital
The Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital ICU is currently operating at 115% to alleviate the strain they recently opened a Field Hospital.
Different Drummer Books Ian Elliott receives Key to the City
Ian Elliott has helped engender a love of literature in Burlington through his independent bookstore, Different Drummer Books. He was recently honoured with a key to the city.
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital ICU Update
With the projected increase in hospitalizations across the province the Ontario Government announced on Friday that all hospitals should be prepared to accept patient transfers from outside their regions. Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital has already been doing just that. Here Halton Healthcare Senior Vice President - Patient Experience and Chief Nursing Executive Judy Linton provides an update.
Conservation Halton Upcycles Christmas trees to Restore Local Creeks
Conservation Halton collects Christmas trees to help narrow local creeks back the state they would have been before unnatural interferences caused them to widen.
Virtual Learning for all
All Ontario students are participating in virtual school this week as in person learning is put on temporary hold until next Monday, according to the Ontario Minister of Education Stephen Lecce.
Oakville Blades Declan Ride
Declan Ride is in his second season with the Oakville Blades and is keeping an optimistic outlook despite the hockey season's continual delay.
Oakville Fire "Don't do what Clark Griswold Does"
In the spirit of the season, Oakville Fire Chief Paul Boissonneault shares a holiday safety message taking a closer look at Christmas Vacation and all the fire hazards that wouldn't make us laugh in the real world.