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Landscape in Flux: Scott Taylor
Marlee Robinson sat down with Scott Taylor to talk about his portion of the exhibit at the Thames Art Gallery, Landscape in Flux. Scott Taylor is a cartographer by training and a world traveller. Taylor's relationship to the landscape is wrapped in the slow passage of time. He approaches his subject with quiet observation.
Rules of the road with the Chatham-Kent Police
We sometimes forget the rules of the road when we get our license. We chat with Constable Jason Herder, Traffic Management Unit with the Chatham-Kent Police about some of the things he sees on the road.
Theft/Fraud Prevention with Chatham-Kent Police Services
We had a chat with Constable Renee Cowell, Public Information Officer for the Chatham-Kent Police Services on how we can avoid frauds and prevent property theft.
Food Agriculture Day
The Kent Federation of Agriculture (KFA) worked its food donation magic again. With the COVID-19 pandemic leading to restrictions in the ability to gather in numbers, Mary Anne Udvari, spokesperson for the KFA, said the celebration took place once again at the Salvation Army Church on Orangewood Boulevard in Chatham , as it has in the past, but with fewer numbers. That didn’t stop the donations of food for Outreach for Hunger and Salvation Army food banks from rolling in. “We were able to go about this because we are considered an essential service and we are providing assistance to the vulnerable in our community,” she said. Lots of great food grow in CK and the KFA were proud to give back to those in need.
Chatham-Kent Council April 12, 2021
Regular Agenda Meeting
Chatham-Kent Council March 22, 2021
Regular/Planning Agenda Meeting
visit for full agenda
Chatham-Kent Council March 8, 2021
Planning Meeting. Visit for full agenda.
Chatham-Kent Council March 1, 2021
Regular/Planning Meeting. Visit for full agenda.
2021 Budget Deliberation Night 4
For full agenda visit
2021 Budget Deliberation Night 3
For full agenda visit
Overview of the Chatham-Kent’s new mass vaccination clinic
We had a chance to tour the Covid vaccination clinic. The work of immunizing long term care staff and essential caregivers continues at Chatham-Kent’s new mass vaccination clinic at the Bradley Convention Centre. In the meantime, Health Alliance CEO Lori Marshall says they’re already setting up appointments for the next ‘highest priority’ group. “It would be hospital (staff), our EMS workers, anybody on the front line that’s got that really intense interaction with individuals who may have COVID, that’s the next step” Marshall says. “Then public health will be able to move through the different priorities.” All vaccinations are being done by appointment only, set up by public health and other health agencies.
Municipal Update with Mayor & CAO
After the budget deliberation dust has settled, Chatham-Kent presses on. We caught up with Mayor Darin Canniff & Chief Administrative Officer Don Shropshire to hear their thoughts on budget and some other things going on in the municipality.