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Chatham-Kent Council October 7th, 2019
Regular/Planning Agenda Meeting Visit
Chatham-Kent Council, September 23rd, 2019
Planning/Regular agenda. Visit for full agenda
Chatham-Kent Council September 9,2019
Regular/Planning Agenda Meeting Visit
Chatham-Kent Pride Week 2019
If people in the LGBTQ-plus community wondered if there was much support for them, they saw it Saturday during Chatham-Kent’s second pride parade. Representatives from unions, companies, churches, agencies, political parties and other organizations were among the hundreds of people who took part in the parade in downtown Chatham on Saturday. Organized by the Chatham-Kent Gay Pride Association, the organization’s president Chris Couture said, “It makes me feel fantastic to be so warm and loved and accepted and celebrated.” He hopes this feeling of support is what members of the LGBTQ-plus community take away from
Art In The Park
The inaugural Art in the Park Chatham was in Tecumseh Park this weekend, attracting crafters from the area and beyond to reveal their various artworks to the public eye. This weekend’s inaugural Art in the Park Chatham attracted crafters from the area and beyond to Tecumseh Park to showcase their various works to the public eye. Other Art in the Park events are moving their way across Southwestern Ontario this summer. Similar weekend-long events were in Windsor and Petrolia earlier in June and will be in Sarnia this September. Organizer Chris Glassford said the popularity of those events made him want to bring it here. “Art thrives here, so I definitely wanted to showcase what Chatham-Kent and outside areas have to offer,” said Glassford.
Chatham-Kent Council, August 12, 2019
Regular/Planning Agenda Meeting
Chatham-Kent Council, July 15, 2019
Planning/Regular Agenda.
Visit,-2019.aspx to view the full agendqa
Chatham-Kent Council, June 10, 2019
Regular/Planning Agenda
Chatham-Kent Council June 24,2019
Planning/Regular Agenda
2019 Sydenham Dragonboat Festival
Not even the rain held off the 2019 Syndenham Dragon Boat Challenge with a great turnout.
The Sydenham Challenge started 18 years ago in Wallaceburg and one of its founding members and organizers of the event Brian Armitage, has a personal history and attachment to the event.
Dragon boating and the benefits for breast cancer patients are well known across the country. The upper body workout a person achieves through the exercise of dragon boating is extremely beneficial for cancer patients, especially those dealing with breast cancer. This is the reason breast cancer teams are so well supported at these events, and currently these teams of brave women can be found across North America.
Chatham-Kent Council May 13, 2019
Regular/Planning Agenda Meeting
Visit,-2019.aspx for the full agenda
2019 Relay for Life Kickoff
The 2019 Relay for Life campaign kicked off their at the Sons of Kent Brewery on March 28th handing out information to registered teams
Relay for Life takes place June 7 from 6 p.m. to midnight at Chatham-Kent Secondary School.
Relay is a major fundraiser for the society. Teams walk the CKSS track, celebrate those who have survived cancer and remember those who did not, all while raising funds.