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Nelson the Giant
Nelson the Giant is a story song that helps children learn about empathy. As they won't be able to go into schools this year Creator Sandy Gemmill and Kate Pipe have begun the Thursday Thump on YouTube to help thump out bullying during lockdown.
Local parent creates petition against mandatory masks for young students
Steven Rodriguez created a petition asking the Halton Catholic District School Board to change their mind about making masks mandatory for students from JK to Grade 3. He will present this petition at their next board meeting on September 1.
Local high school student convinces HCDSB to change education model
With students going back to school in September, Elijah Lourenco Owen wanted the Halton Catholic District School board to change their model in how classes are going to work in high school. He came up with a new plan that he says will put students in a better position when competing for spots in post secondary school.
Burlington Chamber - Canada United
This weekend: $250,000 in cash prizes up for grabs when you shop or dine local during Canada United Weekend! Burlington Chamber President & CEO Carla Nell joins Jessica Kaitting on Halton News with those details.
Big Brothers Big Sisters learn how to tell their story with First Capture Studios
First Capture Studios works with students to give them a voice by teaching them to tell their story through photography. Earlier in the pandemic they teamed up with Big Brothers Big Sisters Halton Hamilton to give the littles a unique experience and create a record of this time in history.
Burlington's Local Hero Beth Martin
Beth Martin was proclaimed on of Burlington's Local Heroes during the COVID pandemic for her work bringing the community together and helping to ensure people have enough to eat.
Halton Police - Project Noisemaker
Cst. Marc Taraso explains Project Noisemaker andwhat have an excessively loud vehicle will cost you!
Courtyard Marriott Re-Opening
The Courtyard by Marriott has officially re-opened in #Burlington with extra safety measures in place to help keep guests and staff safe.
#Halton #News Anchor Jessica Kaitting interviewed their Sales & Marketing Manager Razan Hawwa for the details and their special Recovery Rate.
Wonder Women
The Burlington Chamber of Commerce put on a Wonder Women Conference at the RBG supporting and celebrating the incredible female leaders in our community! Jessica Kaitting reports.