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Oakville Festival of Film and Arts Kickoff
The Oakville Festival of Film and Arts kicked off on Wednesday and promises a plethora of films with something for everyone! We spoke with two local film makers who have work in this years festival.
Barrett Barn
It’s a piece of Canadiana and it’s right here in Halton Hills. A barn owned by a couple in Glen Williams is situated beside the home where one of the members of the Group of 7 would stay on his visits to the hamlet. Although the building is quite old, more recently, it’s been discovered in the background of a portrait.
Apeldoorn - Burlington Friendship
This weekend Burlington will celebrate the friendship with our two twin cities, Itabashi, and Apeldoorn. Canadian troops hold a special place in the hearts of Apeldoorn citizens as they were the force that liberated them in the second world war. However, the friendship extends from the past to present day, Nikki Wesley has the story.
Halton Food for Thought Breakfast Fundraiser
Over 400 were in attendance at the 2023 annual Breakfast Bash held by Food for Thought, Jessica Kaitting reports
Ryan Huang - Prodigiem Concert
The Burlington New Millennium Orchestra will be taking to the Burlington Performing Arts Main stage on May 16th and will feature 9 youth upcoming stars. Nikki Wesley spoke with Oakville's 12 year old Ryan Huang as he prepares for the concert.
Aspiring Blacksmith's Wanted
Are you ready to try your hand as a blacksmith? The Milton Historical Society hosts lessons at Waldie's Blacksmith shop all year long. @MiltonHistoricalSociety&Waldie'sBlacksmithShop
McHappy Day
It’s a fundraising campaign that takes place on a local level, but supports over 30-thousand families nationally. In Halton Hills, McHappy Day supports both the Georgetown Hospital Foundation and the Ronald McDonald House in Toronto. In each case, lending a hand to children and their families at a time when they’re most in need.
Connected Campaign
The Conservation Halton Foundation has its sights set on a fundraising total that’s never before been achieved. Ultimately, the “Connected Campaign” has a goal to increase the greenprint of Conservation Halton parks. The benefit of that influx of cash will be seen in the long term plan for the parks especially as the population of the region continues to expand.
Trumpeter Swan Guardian Angel Recognized
Burlington's Swan Lady, Bev Kingdon, was recognized for her 4 decades of volunteer work to help bring back the population of trumpeter swans in Ontario. @TrumpeterSwanConservationOntario
Is Your Vehicle A Target?
The Solicitor General was in Halton today to announce $51 million dollars towards shutting down organized crime rings that are targeting vehicles for theft and sales overseas. Jessica Kaitting reports.
Liam's Book
An 8 year old Milton boy is launching his second book. Liam was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis shortly after birth and has been interacting with the healthcare system ever since. A two-week hospital stay in 2021 is the genesis of this particular story.
Burlington New Millennium Orchestra
The Burlington New Millennium Orchestra is preparing to perform Prodigiem, a new concert featuring 9 youth who are rising stars on stage.