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Kawartha Lakes Matters EP12 - Q&A with Dr. Gemmill
Mayor of the City of Kawartha Lakes poses questions from the community to Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health for Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit Dr. Ian Gemmill. Topics Discussed: Variants, More vaccine locations in Kawartha Lakes, 80+ who have yet to be vaccinated and more.
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP12 - HKPRDHU Update Pt. 3
Mayor of the City of Kawartha Lakes interviews Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health for Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit Dr. Ian Gemmill about the pandemic locally.
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP11 - HKPRDHU Update Pt. 2
Mayor of the City of Kawartha Lakes interviews Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health for Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit Dr. Ian Gemmill about the pandemic locally
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP12 - HKPRDHU Update Pt. 1
Mayor of the City of Kawartha Lakes interviews Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health for Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit Dr. Ian Gemmill about the virus and the different vaccines
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP11 - Q&A
Host of Kawartha Lakes Matters, Vanessa Murphy, asks Mayor Andy Letham questions from the community. Topics Include: Half Load Restrictions, Construction progress throughout the CIty, and a second crossing in Fenelon Falls
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP11 - Dock Talk Pt. 2
Vanessa and Mayor of Kawartha Lakes, Andy Letham, continue to discuss Dock Licenses in the City of Kawartha Lakes
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP11 - Dock Talk Pt. 1
Host Vanessa Murphy and Mayor of the City of Kawartha Lakes, Andy Letham, discuss Boat Dock Licenses in the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP11 - ORV Discussion Pt. 2
Vanessa and Mayor Letham continue their talk on ORVs in the Municipality
Kawartha Lakes Matters EP11 - ORV Discussion Pt. 1
Host Vanessa Murphy and Mayor of Kawartha Lakes, Andy Letham, discuss the new legislation change allowing Municipalities to pass bylaws to allow ORVs on roads in the Municipality