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Peterborough's Green Waste pickup is in sight
Peterborough's curbside green waste pickup is finally going to happen and it was a long time in the making.
PDI sale almost finalized
Peterborough Distribution Inc (PDI) sale should be finalized by the end of February 2018 says Mayor Daryl Bennett.
Peterborough Matters
Peterborough Mayor Daryl Bennett says the closing date of the local GE plant has been pushed back and there is some international interest in the facility.
Peterborough Matters
Peterborough Mayor Daryl Bennett weighs in on the current controversy at the Farmer's Market.
Peterborough Matters
Peterborough Mayor Daryl Bennett presents a Key to the City to Trent University and Fleming College.
Peterborough Matters
Peterborough Mayor Daryl Bennett says he is happy with the city's proposed budget as it stands right now.
Peterborough Matters
Peterborough Director of Planning and Development Services Jeffrey Humble joins Mayor Daryl Bennett on Peterborough Matters to discuss the contentious Parkway Corridor.
Peterborough Matters
Peterborough Mayor Daryl Bennett discusses the decision to return to the Police Services Board