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Family Farms in Ontario
Minister of Food, Agricultural and Rural Affairs Hon. Jeff Leal has been mandated by the premiere to develop the Farms Forever program. Hon. Leal, MPP for Peterborough states how important the program is for the world's food economy.
State of Ontario's economy
Hon. Jeff Leal discusses the status of the economy as we approach the province's political election.
Your gasoline may change
Hon. Jeff Leal, Minister of Food, Agricultural and Rural Affairs says your gasoline may change in the future.
MPP Leal talks NAFTA
Hon. Jeff Leal, Peterborough MPP talks NAFTA on Queen's Park Report. Latest talks from Montreal, bilateral vs multilateral agreements and Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plays a pivotal role in how we go forward.
Queen's Park Report
Peterborough MPP Hon. Jeff Leal talks about the continuing controversy regarding the Ontario government's recent increase to minimum wage.
Queen's Park Report
Peterborough MPP Hon. Jeff Leal comments on the recent minimum wage hike and the impact it may have on the certain work sectors.
Queen's Park Report
Hon. Jeff Leal, MPP for Peterborough announces he is seeking another term at Queen's Park and will run again in the June 2018 Provincial Election.
Queen's Park Report
Peterborough MPP, Hon. Jeff Leal talks about the current Environmental Assessment for the Parkway Corridor.
Queen's Park Report
Hon. Jeff Leal, MPP for Peterborough talks about the private member's bill for the Zombie Law.