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The power of the people
Two Climate Change activists in Peterborough, Guy Hanchet of For Our Grandchildren and Malaika Collette discuss ways the city can make a difference.
Women in Crisis need shelter
Recently retired YWCA Peterborough Haliburton Executive Director, Lynn Zimmer discusses the issues facing women and how they have changed or stayed the same over the years.
Peterborough's proposed attack on climate change
Peterborough Finance Chair Dean Pappas says the city is looking at reducing the operating hours of the Little Lake Fountain but there is more than one way to deal with climate change.
Less talk, more action
Minister Monsef has promised 2000 affordable housing spots in Peterborough; but it is time to start building rather than just talking about it according to Politically Speaking panelists.
Addressing affordable housing
Former Peterborough-Kawartha MPP Jeff Leal suggests how MP Maryam Monsef can keep her promise of building 2000 affordable house units in the area.
Annexation discussions are ongoing
Peterborough Mayor Diane Therrien comments on the approval of a four-year contract extension with Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development (PKED) rather than two years and Cavan Monaghan annexation is back into discussions.
Mining and cannibis..what do they have in common?
Canadian Securities Exchange CEO Richard Carleton says there has been an increase investment in mining in 2019 and 50% of cannibis investors aren't from Canada.
Fleming College - attracting future students and government positives
Fleming College President Maureen Adamson talks twin pad arena and working with the current government.
Flaws with Peterborough Ratepayers Association report card on council?
Peterborough Ratepayers Association Interim Director, Derek Andreoli explains some of the controversial council report card may have been taken out of context.