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The Bennett's
Eric & Marlaine Bennett JA BHOF Induction Video
Joe Sabatino
Heritage Inductee - Joe Sabatino JA BHOF Induction Video
Alan Gillis
Heritage Inductee - Alan Gillis JA BHOF Induction Video
Amy Simpson
Amy Simpson JA BHOF Induction Video
Franz Roessl
Franz Roessl JA BHOF Induction Video
Allan Hill
Allan Hill JA BHOF Induction Video
John Gillespie
John Gillespie JA BHOF Induction Video
Simone Dobson
Simone Dobson JA BHOF Induction Video
Tony Ambler
Tony Ambler JA BHOF Induction Video
YourVote 2025: Provincial Election
yourTV invited all Candidates officially represented in the Legistlature to participate in a debate on February 12th.
Tom Regina, MPP Candidate from the Green Party and Barbara Doyle who is running for NDP MPP in the riding of Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock were the candidates who agreed to take part.
Sanjeev Sukumaran
Sanjeev Sukumaran JA BHOF Induction Video
The Morrison's
Bill & Marion Morrison JA BHOF Induction Video